Tom Selleck’s Blue Bloods’ Role Is Great, But I’m Sad One Jesse Stone Promise Wasn’t Fully Kept

Tom Selleck’s Blue Bloods’ Role Is Great, But I’m Sad One Jesse Stone Promise Wasn’t Fully Kept

Although I love Blue Bloods, I’m sad that one promise about Tom Selleck’s Jesse Stone series of movies wasn’t kept. For the past fourteen years, Selleck has starred on one of my favorite television dramas. Blue Bloods is a police procedural that is popular partially because it focuses on a family of cops rather than only on the case of the week. Despite continued high ratings, CBS has canceled the series and there are only a few episodes left of Blue Bloods before it leaves the airwaves permanently.

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I’m sad that this one promise about Jesse Stone has not been kept during the fourteen years that Tom Selleck has been starring on Blue Bloods.

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