I’m Glad Star Wars Outlaws Doesn’t Think I’m Dumb, But I Wish It Thought I Was Smart

I’m Glad Star Wars Outlaws Doesn’t Think I’m Dumb, But I Wish It Thought I Was Smart

Star Wars Outlaws has made a brand out of being the first open-world Star Wars game, but despite that claim, it’s an experience that’s familiar in many ways. Even setting aside the saturation of Star Wars content since Disney’s acquisition of IP, every big new game from publisher Ubisoft carries over some formulaic elements, whether in the consistent monotony of the Far Cry series or simply in fundamentals of structure. It’s not exclusive to Ubisoft a lot of companies have taken on similar formulas but it’s hard to deny how obvious the through line is.

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Star Wars Outlaws includes some options that other games could learn from, but one element of its design still verges on being a bit insulting.

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