Your Biggest Thor 4 Complaints May Get Even Worse In Avengers 6

Your Biggest Thor 4 Complaints May Get Even Worse In Avengers 6

Avengers: Secret Wars may revive a Thor: Love & Thunder complaint that many MCU fans have had if a certain storyline is adapted. The fourth installment in the Thor franchise was released to mixed reviews. Some fans enjoyed the tone of the film, while others thought it tried too hard to emulate the humor of Thor: Ragnarok. The jokes worked the first time around because the banter felt right between the lead group of characters. Thor: Love & Thunder called for a more serious tone, so the comedy leanings comparatively risked feeling like a forced gimmick.

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A common complaint from Thor: Love & Thunder may make a return in Avengers: Secret Wars if Marvel chooses to adapt one specific storyline.

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