I’ve Worked Out What Kit Haringtons Perfect MCU Return After 3 Years Could Be

I’ve Worked Out What Kit Haringtons Perfect MCU Return After 3 Years Could Be

Kit Harington‘s Dane Whitman has a perfect story to finally come back to the Marvel Cinematic Universe after three years. Harington is a popular star, having played Jon Son in Game of Thrones, one of the fan-favorite roles of the biggest TV show in recent memory. That is why I was extremely excited when he was cast to appear in 2021’s Eternals, as I believed Harington would become an MCU mainstay. However, three years after his MCU debut, Harington has yet to return to the franchise, with Dane Whitman not confirmed for any upcoming MCU projects.

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Kit Harington has commented on his MCU role as Dane Whitman, and after three years since his debut, there is a perfect story to bring him back.

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