Why Is Rose Working For UNIT In Doctor Who Season 14?

Why Is Rose Working For UNIT In Doctor Who Season 14?

Doctor Whos Rose Noble (Yasmin Finney) returned for the penultimate episode of season 14, but it’s unclear why she is working for UNIT. Doctor Who‘s UNIT organization has been a semi-regular part of the series since the Second Doctor (Patrick Troughton) first met the man who would become Brigadier Alastair Lethbridge-Stewart, and was especially important during the Third Doctor’s (Jon Pertwee) run. UNIT is currently run by the Brigadier’s daughter, Kate (Jemma Redgrave), and the Doctor visited the headquarters because he needed help identifying a mysterious woman, Susan Twist, who has been following him.

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Rose Noble returned in Doctor Who season 14 working for UNIT, but it’s not clear what she does at the organization – but that’s not truly important.

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