First Social Media Reactions To The Acolyte Praise A “Dark Mystery” With “Riveting Fight Choreography & Superb Performances”

First Social Media Reactions To The Acolyte Praise A “Dark Mystery” With “Riveting Fight Choreography & Superb Performances”

First social media reactions to The Acolyte praise a unique Star Wars murder mystery with stunning fight choreography and tremendous performances. Excitement is building for The Acolyte, the next Star Wars Disney+ TV show, which officially premieres on June 4. Last night, the cast and crew celebrated at a thrilling launch event, and now first reactions are emerging from attendees who got to watch the first two episodes. Meanwhile, the social media embargo has lifted for reviewers, who are giving their thoughts on the first four episodes.

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The first social media reactions are emerging for The Acolyte – and they promise a thrilling new TV show with incredible fight choreography.

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