Heath Ledger Improvised Joker Myth: What Really Happened In The Dark Knight

Heath Ledger Improvised Joker Myth: What Really Happened In The Dark Knight

There has been some confusion over whether or not a moment in The Dark Knight was improvised by Heath Ledger, and here’s the truth about the Dark Knight hospital explosion scene. Heath Ledger undoubtedly became the most talked-about element of the epic 2008 superhero movie, and the actor posthumously won the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor for his role as the Clown Prince of Crime. The actor went against type to play Joker and, to everyone’s surprise, absolutely disappeared into the role. In the years since The Dark Knight‘s release and the devastating loss of Ledger, his work as Joker has only continued to be highlighted.

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It is widely believed that Heath Ledger improvised part of the iconic hospital explosion scene from The Dark Knight, but here’s what really happened.

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