Sony Backs Down From Mandatory Helldivers 2 PSN Account Linking

Sony Backs Down From Mandatory Helldivers 2 PSN Account Linking

Sony has officially backed down from forcing all Helldivers 2 players on Steam to link their account to PlayStation Network after a weekend of boycotts, negative reviews, and mass refunds. Announced shortly before the launch of the game’s next season, the switch from an optional to a mandatory PSN account managed to provoke the community after it was discovered that 121 countries around the world would be blocked from playing the game due to the service not being available. Fortunately, Arrowhead Studios and PlayStation have come to a solution that’s satisfied the player base.

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After days of backlash, Sony backs down from requiring Helldivers 2 PC players to link their account to PSN after days of backlash and criticism.

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