Spider-Man: How Peter Parker’s Tray Catch Scene Was Filmed

Spider-Man: How Peter Parker’s Tray Catch Scene Was Filmed

The superhero genre has a lot to thank Sam Raimi’s Spider-Man for, including one of the most iconic scenes in any superhero movie that wasn’t computer-generated – it was all thanks to Tobey Maguire’s skills. In 2002, Peter Parker made the jump to the big screen in the first of many modern live-action Spider-Man movies, directed by Sam Raimi and with Tobey Maguire as the title character. The film was a critical and financial success, making way for two sequels and being credited for redefining the modern superhero genre as well as the summer blockbuster.

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Sam Raimi’s Spider-Man has some truly memorable moments, including the tray catch scene, which was achieved without CGI. Here’s how it was made.

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