Christopher Nolan’s New Spy Movie Makes Us Worried Tenet 2 Won’t Happen

Christopher Nolan’s New Spy Movie Makes Us Worried Tenet 2 Won’t Happen

After Christopher Nolan’s latest film, Oppenheimer, won Best Picture at the 2024 Academy Awards, rumors began flying about what the director’s next big project would be, and if Nolan truly does make a film adaptation of the sci-fi series, The Prisoner, that could mean disappointment for the future of the Tenet franchise. The Prisoner is a British television series that ran from 1967 to 1968. It follows an anonymous British intelligence agent called Number Six who, after resigning from his job, wakes up in a strange coastal village, unable to escape. Nolan is allegedly considering a film remake.

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Christopher Nolan’s rumored next movie, The Prisoner, may make a Tenet sequel less likely because of their shared sci-fi espionage roots.

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