The Rings Of Power Season 2 Must Avoid The Same Release Mistake That Hurt Season 1

The Rings Of Power Season 2 Must Avoid The Same Release Mistake That Hurt Season 1

The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power season 1 ran into an issue when it aired in 2022, but the coming installment could avoid the problem this time around. The Amazon Lord of the Rings prequel TV show sits in an unusual place canonically, but that didn’t stop fans of the franchise from watching in their droves. The impending arrival of The Rings of Power season 2 proves how successful the first set of episodes was, but it can be even more of a triumph if it takes one simple step.

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The Rings of Power season 1 chose a misguided strategy during its release that ultimately hurt its success, but season 2 can avoid the error.

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