FF7 Rebirth: Should You Choose Bovine Flesh or Monster Flesh For Condor Food?

FF7 Rebirth: Should You Choose Bovine Flesh or Monster Flesh For Condor Food?

During a Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth side quest, players can choose what to feed a missing condor. The quest, entitled “Dreaming of Blue Skies,” is unlocked during Chapter Four, as players explore the Junon region of FF7 Rebirth. Given by seasoned birdwatcher Colin, the quest begins as a sort of escort mission, as Cloud and the party track down a cow for the condor’s dinner. After defeating a couple of enemy mobs and a Mystic Dragon miniboss, they’ll be faced with a choice of what to use as bait: Bovine Flesh (the cow), Monster Flesh (the dragon), or Peculiar Greens.

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During the FF7 Rebirth side quest “Dreaming of Blue Skies,” players choose what to feed a condor. But which is better: Bovine Meat or Monster Flesh?

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