Sorry Cloud, Clive Is A Better Final Fantasy Protagonist

Sorry Cloud, Clive Is A Better Final Fantasy Protagonist

Final Fantasy 16’s Clive is easily a better Final Fantasy protagonist than FF7’s Cloud, despite the classic character’s widespread popularity. The new hero, Clive Rosfield, is the main character in FF16, and is the heir to the Grand Duchy of Rosaria in the world of Valisthea. After a series of unexpected and tragic events, his life is led off track, and he is reduced to a lowly soldier. During the game, players get to witness Clive in three distinct moments of his life, and how his coming-of-age story told with time skips is molded by what plays out around him.

Even though Cloud is a beloved character in Final Fantasy games, the newly introduced Clive Rosfield is a much better protagonist for the series.

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